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SPEC.COM.AU | 2024 AFL & Local Footy Tipping

Competition Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions for using the Tipping Competition.

User Registration:

You are required to Join prior to using the website. A registration form is supplied and you are required to select a username for use with the system. A password is required to be entered and verified by retyping the selected password in the second password box provided. First name and last name are required, together with the users Gender, Date of Birth and Postcode. A valid Phone number and Email address are essential as these will be used to contact you in the event you are a valid winner.

You may also elect to receive weekly tipping reminder emails, sent directly to your email account. You may also check the box to receive Promotional Information related to the website. Please ensure you check your spam filters and folders to ensure these emails are received correctly.

You are are then required to complete the reCaptcha to ensure user registration, avoiding bots from taking advantage of the form.

The Register button must then be submitted and a success notice and verification email is then received.


In order to use the website, you are required to login with your chosen username and password. This can be done by completing the small form on the left menu area or on a mobile device, from the mobile menu. Login by clicking the ‘Login’ button.

My Account:

Once you are logged into the system, you’re provided extra menu items ‘My Selections’ and ‘My Account’. From this tab, you’re provided your selections for tipping and your details, allowing you update certain settings within your profile. You may alter your current password simply by entering a new password in each password box provided. Other settings are also able to be altered. These settings are saved after clicking the ‘Update’ button.

My Selections:

When you are logged into the system, you’re provided a menu for ‘My Selections’. From this link you are provided with every week for the regular season of the competition.

You can either complete your tips on a week by week basis or alternatively, you may complete each weeks selections at any time. An important thing to remember is that you must save the selections for each week. If you do not save your selections and move onto another week, your previous selections will not be saved.

Failure to make selections prior to the deadline for tipping will result in all away teams being selected for you. From time to time you can change your selections right up to at least the game offset, by default this is set to 1 hours before a given game time to ensure server time is correctly functioning.

While you select your chosen winner, you’re provided some statistical information that will ensure you make a well informed, educated selection.

To the right of each game you’re also provided a clipboard, by clicking this clipboard you’ll be provided historical data for games involving both of the teams. This historical overview differs from installation to installation and contains all the previous seasons of data accumulated within each season.

Selections for each game can be entered or edited at any time prior to the nominated game commencement or offset of such a time. Selections must be entered prior to game times or offset times of the competition. Competition settings determine whether the deadline is 1 hour (default) or more. Please check the home page settings for specific information about this competition. Please note that final round AFL games DO NOT have a day/time and are all scheduled for a deadline equal to the first game on Friday.

Under no circumstances will selections be accepted after a game has commenced or deadline reached. If tipsters do not enter tips for a game, week or join after the season has commenced they will be allocated the default score (see below).

Margin Games (where applicable):

Some games may require you to enter a winning team plus a margin for it (the number of points team A will beat team B by).

If you tip the winning team and their exact winning margin, your ‘Margin Variance’ will equal 0 points. If you pick the winning team, but not the winning margin, your ‘Margin Variance’ will equal the difference between the actual game margin and the margin you tipped.

If you tip the losing Team, your ‘Margin Variance’ will equal the points difference of the actual game margin plus the margin you tipped.

The lower the ‘Margin Variance’ the more accurate. This is used when splitting two or more users with the equal amount of correct selections.


If you forgot or do not enter your tips in any week, you’re given all the away teams by default. You cannot select a draw. You are rewarded 1 point for a correct selection and 0 points for an incorrect selection. In the event of a draw, all tipsters are awarded 1 point.

Where multiple leagues are included and rounds do not match, a week by week system may be used, whereby weeks assume the role of rounds.

Standings (where applicable):

The system may within some installations provide a current rank link also. Depending on the setup of the Tipping Competition, a new menu link titled ‘Standings’ is provided. A list will provide you with the rank of all users, the tipsters name, the total correct selections in the last round, the previous rank, a rise or fall and a total number of positions either gained or lost. The total correct selections are also displayed together with the margin variance.

Together with the user standings, some systems may include a round standings tab. Clicking on the round user standings will display a simplified rankings table for the last completed round.

Tipsters will be firstly ranked by their weekly score, where the highest score is the highest rank. Weekly winners will be determined by the user’s weekly score for the round, then by a tippers ‘Margin Variance’ and then by their ‘Total Margin Variance’. End of season winners will be determined by total correct selections and then by their ‘Total Margin Variance’ (and if drawn the Margin Variance for that round).

Many Tipping Competitions using this system do not feature standings on the website and instead provide other links where you may locate the standings.


All information can be found from the menu links. An array of pages are provided covering items such as About the system, this Guide for help and assistance, a help page for contacting the promoter, the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and where applicable other links may also be found.